And, the story goes...
Chapter 1. Genesis
Sometime in eternity, somewhere in heaven.
DIA baru saja selesai membentuk mereka in HIS own image.
"Perfect!", HE thought. "It's very good...", HE mumbling and smiling, melihat kepada dua jiwa itu dengan penuh kasih.
"How do you feel?" tanyaNYA kepada si pria.
"Greaaat...! Thank you for forming me as YOUR part." The man-soul answered, and he looked at HIM. HIS glory amazes him so deeply.
"And you, MY daughter?" kali ini DIA bertanya kepada the woman-soul.
"Wooow... I feel awesome!! Emm... can... can I stay here forever...?"
DIA tersenyum lembut mendengar jawaban dari si wanita. "Belum waktunya anakKU. In a very few moment, I'll give you a body - where your soul stays, and you'll be called human being. Living on earth for years. But, no worry... You'll surely return back here, because this is where you belong..."
Si wanita sedikit tertunduk mendengar bahwa dia tidak bisa berada di sana sementara waktu.
"Nggak akan lama kok..." Kata si pria menghibur... "I think it's really an honour that HE formed and chooses us to fulfill HIS plan on earth. Isn't that exciting and awesome...!?" Dia menjawab dengan bergairah, seolah-olah siap untuk segera terjun ke bumi.
"Ya, he's right" tambahNYA. "I will send MY angels to protect and serve both of you..."
She nodded her head "And..." She looks at the-man soul "he and me..." lalu si wanita menoleh kepadaNYA, " we will stay together as husband and wife on earth, won't we?"
HE smiles... "Well, sort of... But you have your own free will..."
"I... I... eee... how it's look like on earth?" That woman definitely worry about what she's going to face on earth.
"Oh... It's a broken place, actually... Imperfect world, a place where you'll find sins. Other human-beings might offense you..." "And... I didn't meant to scare you, but... eee..."
"but that's the place where we can fix the broken!" Jawab si pria dengan cepat. "Kita ada di sana untuk memperbaiki dunia agar menjadi lebih baik, dan membawa orang lain untuk semakin mengenalNYA melalui gaya hidup kita"
"Hei, he's got the point!" DIA tersenyum.
Lalu selama beberapa saat DIA meyakinkan mereka berdua bahwa mereka adalah berharga di mataNYA, DIA berjanji akan menyertai mereka dalam keadaan apapun, menjadi BAPA untuk mengasihi mereka dengan kasih yang kekal, mengampuni semua dosa yang nanti akan mereka lakukan... DIA juga memastikan DIA telah meletakkan talenta dalam diri mereka, agar dapat memenuhi tujuan yang telah ditetapkan bagi mereka. (standard procedures for all souls before they're put on earth as human beings).
"Siap, anakKU?"
"Tunggu!!" Teriak si wanita.
Chapter 2. Exodus
"Now what?" Tanya si pria, agak tidak sabar.
"Can I talk to YOU, LORD... Just for a sec...?" Pinta si wanita... "privately, please?"
"Okay..." JawabNYA.
DIA membawa si wanita ke tempat yang sedikit jauh dari si pria...
"Begini... I will make a sacrifice for him." the-woman whispers, make sure that the-man soul can't hear that.
"Okay... what sacrifice?" TanyaNYA.
"Let's make a deal..." Masih dengan berbisik.
"What deal, MY daughter?" He also whispers, curious...
"Well, LORD... YOU've deposit great talents in me, haven't YOU?"
"Ya, lalu?"
"I can sense that the talents you put in me is greaat... I mean it's above average, right...?"
"That's true, MY daughter. You're special!"
"Okay... Thank you for that, LORD. But, I've decided to give my talents to him."
DIA mengernyitkan dahi... menanti kata-kata berikutnya. Si wanita menoleh ke si pria sebelum melanjutkan, "dia akan jadi kepala keluarga, kan?"
"So, he'll definitely need more talents! I'll sacrifice my talents for him, so he can be a great father for his family!"
"But... You'll lack of talent if I give it to him... dan kamu mengambil resiko yang besar kalau-kalau dia nggak jadi suamimu... He has his own free will to choose his spouse, remember?"
"I've decided, LORD... I'll take that risk. Simple because I'm sure that it'll a looottt easier for him to live on earth when YOU give my talents for him... He has to be bright academically to fulfill YOUR purpose, doesn't he?"
"Alright... If that's your decision, you must know that you'll pay the price..."
"Saya tahu..." Katanya tenang.
"You'll find yourself having trouble in your academic field because you gave your portion to him..."
"I can live with that" Jawabnya lagi, dengan tenang.
"If you give your talent to him, you won't be able speak eloquently like he does..."
"I'll survive..."
"And... you'll find other people dispise you for not finishing some school degrees like he does..."
"I do understand... I'd rather to see he achieve the highest academic degree he can get... That's how he'll fulfill YOUR purpose."
"Okay... And the last, this might be the worst..." HE lowers HIS voice, "he might abuse you verbally because he thinks that you're not smart enough and he's a lot smarter than you..."
"I'm ready, LORD"
"That might cancel your husband-wife planning, thou... Dia akan mudah sekali tergoda untuk berlaku sombong karena apa yang dia punya, dan dia mungkin akan menikahi wanita lain yang menurutnya jauh lebih baik dari kamu... You know, with that kind of talents, he'll easily attract other woman..."
"I'll take that, LORD... Just give me a patient heart to handle all that."
DIA melihat si wanita dengan penuh kasih. "I've deposited it in you, MY daughter. I've given you an awesome-compassionate-heart for other people, and forgiving-heart to forgive him when he dispises and abuses you verbally..."
"Thank you, LORD..."
"Well..." HE can't stand HIMSELF not to bless her, "Let me put another talent in you, MY daughter... I will bless your mind and you'll have the highly art-and-creativity sense. I will bless your hands, and your artistic-handwork will bless and amaze millions of people, including him, for he doesn't have that art-talent like you have... You'll brilliantly create many handycrafts, pottery, drawings and other artistic stuffs... I'll bless your health as well..."
"Let that glorify YOUR name, LORD" she humbly herself.
"Okay... Get ready..."
Chapter 3. Numbers
Sometime in 2010, somewhere on earth.
They met as human beings on earth for the first time in 2008, when the-woman was 23 and the man was 30. Like He has planned, the-man was attracted to her by her art-works. And his love grows.
They had their relationship a year later. They had their engagement in June, 5th 2010. Now, the woman is 25, and the man turning into 32. They're getting married soon.
Kamu mungkin nggak baca blog ini (ato mungkin juga baca dan kesulitan mengartikan posting ini karena talenta untuk itu sudah kamu berikan ke aku), tapi posting ini dedicated to you, untuk Theresia Yang, terima kasih sudah mau sama saya.
Sometime in eternity, somewhere in heaven.
DIA baru saja selesai membentuk mereka in HIS own image.
"Perfect!", HE thought. "It's very good...", HE mumbling and smiling, melihat kepada dua jiwa itu dengan penuh kasih.
"How do you feel?" tanyaNYA kepada si pria.
"Greaaat...! Thank you for forming me as YOUR part." The man-soul answered, and he looked at HIM. HIS glory amazes him so deeply.
"And you, MY daughter?" kali ini DIA bertanya kepada the woman-soul.
"Wooow... I feel awesome!! Emm... can... can I stay here forever...?"
DIA tersenyum lembut mendengar jawaban dari si wanita. "Belum waktunya anakKU. In a very few moment, I'll give you a body - where your soul stays, and you'll be called human being. Living on earth for years. But, no worry... You'll surely return back here, because this is where you belong..."
Si wanita sedikit tertunduk mendengar bahwa dia tidak bisa berada di sana sementara waktu.
"Nggak akan lama kok..." Kata si pria menghibur... "I think it's really an honour that HE formed and chooses us to fulfill HIS plan on earth. Isn't that exciting and awesome...!?" Dia menjawab dengan bergairah, seolah-olah siap untuk segera terjun ke bumi.
"Ya, he's right" tambahNYA. "I will send MY angels to protect and serve both of you..."
She nodded her head "And..." She looks at the-man soul "he and me..." lalu si wanita menoleh kepadaNYA, " we will stay together as husband and wife on earth, won't we?"
HE smiles... "Well, sort of... But you have your own free will..."
"I... I... eee... how it's look like on earth?" That woman definitely worry about what she's going to face on earth.
"Oh... It's a broken place, actually... Imperfect world, a place where you'll find sins. Other human-beings might offense you..." "And... I didn't meant to scare you, but... eee..."
"but that's the place where we can fix the broken!" Jawab si pria dengan cepat. "Kita ada di sana untuk memperbaiki dunia agar menjadi lebih baik, dan membawa orang lain untuk semakin mengenalNYA melalui gaya hidup kita"
"Hei, he's got the point!" DIA tersenyum.
Lalu selama beberapa saat DIA meyakinkan mereka berdua bahwa mereka adalah berharga di mataNYA, DIA berjanji akan menyertai mereka dalam keadaan apapun, menjadi BAPA untuk mengasihi mereka dengan kasih yang kekal, mengampuni semua dosa yang nanti akan mereka lakukan... DIA juga memastikan DIA telah meletakkan talenta dalam diri mereka, agar dapat memenuhi tujuan yang telah ditetapkan bagi mereka. (standard procedures for all souls before they're put on earth as human beings).
"Siap, anakKU?"
"Tunggu!!" Teriak si wanita.
Chapter 2. Exodus
"Now what?" Tanya si pria, agak tidak sabar.
"Can I talk to YOU, LORD... Just for a sec...?" Pinta si wanita... "privately, please?"
"Okay..." JawabNYA.
DIA membawa si wanita ke tempat yang sedikit jauh dari si pria...
"Begini... I will make a sacrifice for him." the-woman whispers, make sure that the-man soul can't hear that.
"Okay... what sacrifice?" TanyaNYA.
"Let's make a deal..." Masih dengan berbisik.
"What deal, MY daughter?" He also whispers, curious...
"Well, LORD... YOU've deposit great talents in me, haven't YOU?"
"Ya, lalu?"
"I can sense that the talents you put in me is greaat... I mean it's above average, right...?"
"That's true, MY daughter. You're special!"
"Okay... Thank you for that, LORD. But, I've decided to give my talents to him."
DIA mengernyitkan dahi... menanti kata-kata berikutnya. Si wanita menoleh ke si pria sebelum melanjutkan, "dia akan jadi kepala keluarga, kan?"
"So, he'll definitely need more talents! I'll sacrifice my talents for him, so he can be a great father for his family!"
"But... You'll lack of talent if I give it to him... dan kamu mengambil resiko yang besar kalau-kalau dia nggak jadi suamimu... He has his own free will to choose his spouse, remember?"
"I've decided, LORD... I'll take that risk. Simple because I'm sure that it'll a looottt easier for him to live on earth when YOU give my talents for him... He has to be bright academically to fulfill YOUR purpose, doesn't he?"
"Alright... If that's your decision, you must know that you'll pay the price..."
"Saya tahu..." Katanya tenang.
"You'll find yourself having trouble in your academic field because you gave your portion to him..."
"I can live with that" Jawabnya lagi, dengan tenang.
"If you give your talent to him, you won't be able speak eloquently like he does..."
"I'll survive..."
"And... you'll find other people dispise you for not finishing some school degrees like he does..."
"I do understand... I'd rather to see he achieve the highest academic degree he can get... That's how he'll fulfill YOUR purpose."
"Okay... And the last, this might be the worst..." HE lowers HIS voice, "he might abuse you verbally because he thinks that you're not smart enough and he's a lot smarter than you..."
"I'm ready, LORD"
"That might cancel your husband-wife planning, thou... Dia akan mudah sekali tergoda untuk berlaku sombong karena apa yang dia punya, dan dia mungkin akan menikahi wanita lain yang menurutnya jauh lebih baik dari kamu... You know, with that kind of talents, he'll easily attract other woman..."
"I'll take that, LORD... Just give me a patient heart to handle all that."
DIA melihat si wanita dengan penuh kasih. "I've deposited it in you, MY daughter. I've given you an awesome-compassionate-heart for other people, and forgiving-heart to forgive him when he dispises and abuses you verbally..."
"Thank you, LORD..."
"Well..." HE can't stand HIMSELF not to bless her, "Let me put another talent in you, MY daughter... I will bless your mind and you'll have the highly art-and-creativity sense. I will bless your hands, and your artistic-handwork will bless and amaze millions of people, including him, for he doesn't have that art-talent like you have... You'll brilliantly create many handycrafts, pottery, drawings and other artistic stuffs... I'll bless your health as well..."
"Let that glorify YOUR name, LORD" she humbly herself.
"Okay... Get ready..."
Chapter 3. Numbers
Sometime in 2010, somewhere on earth.
They met as human beings on earth for the first time in 2008, when the-woman was 23 and the man was 30. Like He has planned, the-man was attracted to her by her art-works. And his love grows.
They had their relationship a year later. They had their engagement in June, 5th 2010. Now, the woman is 25, and the man turning into 32. They're getting married soon.
Kamu mungkin nggak baca blog ini (ato mungkin juga baca dan kesulitan mengartikan posting ini karena talenta untuk itu sudah kamu berikan ke aku), tapi posting ini dedicated to you, untuk Theresia Yang, terima kasih sudah mau sama saya.

Kereeeen soro, semoga pernikahannya berjalan lancar, dan langgeng sampe selamanya ya, tunggu kami untuk menghabiskan makanannya wkwkwkkwwk
Congrats Windra!
wahhh akhirnya... aq dah lama bgt ga baca blog mu... sampe ga ke update klo km akhirnya dah nemuin pasanganmu... ^^ so happy for u both... congratz ya... :)
BalasHapusKo Bud: Thanks Ko Bud!
BalasHapusAnneke: Thanks Anneke!
Nophhee: Thanks Novi!
congrats yah win...
BalasHapusDah lama nga mampir ke blog kamu, ternyata udah banyak berubah hidup nya dan makin baik aja hehehe
All the best buat wedding nya...
biar uda telat banget.. congrat ya win