
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2008

I would do...

Maybe, love is the greatest things in the world after all. Many people would do anything, even die in the name of love. Many creative great poets, musics, inventions and discoveries are found because of things called love. Many people willing to leave his family and working hard for his lovely family. It's quite amazed that this simple LOVE word can make people maximize their potential, do many things that he can't do before. You can call it sentimental, overly emotional, over-romantic... But, would you do this to your girl... in the name of love...? (inspired from a bulletin board) give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in. leave her cute text notes. tell her she looks beautiful. look into her eyes when you talk to her. let her mess with your hair. touch her hair. just walk around with her. FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES. look at her like she's the only girl you see. tickle her even when she says stop. hold her hand when you are around your friends. be the one to take her ha...

Quantum Leap - Offering Preaching

Inspired from this Quantum Leap Posting by Pak Patris, I felt like having my own Quantum Leap on last Saturday Evening. ... and there he goes, stands in a luxurious well-decorated stage before the church musical drama "Gembel Jadi Pangeran" start. His job is to preach what-so-called "Offering Preaching" - a short preaching before offering time... It was easy thou actually, very easy for him if done in front of 10-15 youths - like he usually does in cell group. But this time, 500 people are coming to see the musical drama, 1000 eyes will stare at him and 1000 ears will listen to what he said. And... one more fact, preaching in front of hundreds people is realyyyy reallyyy not his natural ability... So, when I was standing at the pulpit, in front of those foreigners to preach, I felt like having my Quantum Leap. Yesterday, I was Windra, an IT lecturer that usually lecturing 40-50 young college students. In a very short time, I change and leap in into this character. ...

Bulan-bulan Tesis: Final Episode

In M* C** Uni, we have so-called "mentorship" program or "mentoring" if you prefer gerund or "discipleship" is also acceptable. Whatever it called, the purpose of this mentorship is transfering life values from the mentor to the mentees (those who are being mentored). This program is expected to shape their attitude during their 4 years study at M* C**, make them learn how to be a mature, wise, responsible, and successful people in marketplace, whereever they are. (I bet this program makes M* C** Uni different from other uni) So, every student will have one (wise) mentor and at least one co-mentor. They are periodically gather and do some activities. They always have the opportunity to share their (personal) problems and asking for advice to their mentor. Having 15 mentees, our mentorship group is quite lucky to have three mentors, me, the rector of the university (yes, the rector willing to be a mentor and spend her time to do mentorship program) and one ...

Endonesha - Story behind independence day

This is a story of great country named United State of Endonesha. An independent and beautiful archipelago country located somewhere in Timbuktu. Hit almost 200million population, this country becomes a living legend. True living legend till now, but very few people know the history behind independence day of this great country. Many blood (and sweat) were shed at that moment. Here's the story. Endonesha - What the United State of Endonesha's historian never tell you Part I - Rapat Penculikan Jam 10 pagi, 14 Agustus 1945 TW (Tahun Timbuktu). Lokasi: Rengasdengklek, Kerawang Prolog: Saat itu Endonesha masih terjajah dan belum menjadi United State. Kondisi ekonomi morat marit, tiga tahun bangsa itu dijajah bangsa Jpang. Dalam tiga tahun itu, Sekarno, pemimpin bangsa itu, telah melakukan banyak negosiasi dengan bangsa Jpang agar Endonesha bisa mengatur sendiri kehidupan bernegaranya. Bangsa Jpang menjanjikan bahwa Endonesha segera diberi kemerdekaan. Bahkan agar lebih meyakinkan, ...

Ikuti perkembangan atau mati mengenaskan!

Dunia IT (Information Technology) adalah dunia yang kejam... Di balik semua kemudahan yang bisa kamu nikmati so far (your gadget, computer, internet), ada kekejaman di dalamnya. Bahkan dulu saya sempat berpikir untuk ganti haluan dan quit berkarir di dunia IT, saking kejamnya dunia IT. Bagi seorang ITer, berlaku un-avoid-able law: ikuti perkembangan atau mati mengenaskan! Saya bayangkan, seandainya saya nggak pernah ngikuti perkembangan IT setelah saya lulus kuliah S1 10 tahun yang lalu, most likely saya saat ini end up menjadi clerk / juru ketik / petugas administrasi somewhere in a small office with 6 digits salary (less than a million). Bahkan sekarang-pun, setelah saya merasa telah memeras otak habis2an dalam 10 tahun terakhir, membaca puluhan bahkan artikel, buku IT setiap bulannya, belajar newest internet technology, programming setiap harinya, saya tetap masih merasa ketinggalan. I'll give you the example how cruel IT field is. Saya pernah membuat program aplikasi 3-5 tahun...


Saya bukan ahli bahasa, tapi kalau saya diberi hak untuk membuat vocabulary baru, saya akan menambahkan kata: setongkol . Arti kata "setongkol" (tm) menurut Kamus Kecil Windra Swastika (KKWS): Setongkol: 1. (adj) sebesar ikan tongkol. 2. (n) usaha-usaha dari sekelompok orang atau individu untuk menjatuhkan (nama) seekor tongkol. Bersetongkol: (v) berkomplot atau bersepakat untuk melakukan setongkol. Persetongkolan: (n) hal bersetongkol. Contoh kalimat: Luka di kepalanya membuat pipinya bengkak setongkol (artinya bengkak di pipinya sebesar ikan tongkol). Adanya persetongkolan di tempat ini telah berhasil diendus oleh seekor kucing. Mereka yang telah bersetongkol akhirnya berhasil mendapatkan tongkol dengan harga murah. Never mind tentang persetongkolan dan tongkol-tongkol itu. Basically, kalo ada orang yang bersetongkol dan melakukan persetongkolan terhadap kamu (mungkin karena kamu mendapatkan sesuatu, mungkin karena dia suka makan tongkol, mungkin karena harga tongkol sedang...

Bulan-bulan Tesis: Hamil

Pilih jawaban yang benar. Apa hubungan antara membuat tesis dengan hamil? a. Wanita hamil dilarang membuat tesis. b. Mengerjakan tesis dapat membuat hamil. c. Membuat tesis dapat menunda kehamilan. d. Untuk mengerjakan tesis, perlu hamil terlebih dulu. Silahkan dijawab. But, if can't find the answer, that's fine. You may think that I'm just kidding. But, in a VERY serious note, one of those options are the answer. IT HAPPENED TO ME! Masa...? YEP! It DOES happen to me. Read the options and guess which one is happenning to me. You may keep your answer and see whether we have same thought. Bagi yang menjawab dengan opsi a: Wanita hamil dilarang membuat tesis Mungkin kamu mikir bahwa saat ngadakan penelitian, kita bakalan butuh keseriusan, butuh ketekunan, butuh kerja keras, harus meras otak dan kerja siang malem. Jelas kondisi kayak gini nggak kondusif bagi wanita hamil. Jadi, kalo sedang hamil, ya jangan bikin tesis, demi keselamatan bayi. Hei, siapa tahu nanti bayi itu akan ...