
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2010

An ideal job means...

Let me start with a simple question: what is your most ideal job ? Is it working in an international company and getting paid 5-or-6-figures (US$) per year? Is it becoming a part and teaching in a best-reputable university in this country? Is it building a company that opens new job opportunities for the others? Or, if you're a woman, you might think that the most ideal job for you (which I think the greatest ministry on planet earth) is having a family, raising your children, tapping their maximum potential and let them give great contribution for the society. Think about it for a while (or many whiles). Ask your heart, what's the ideal job for you. A proverb saying, "whatever you dwell upon grows in your mind and will eventually become reality." So, think about your most ideal job, let it grows in your mind... Sadly, so many people are trapped into a job that they don't like, yet they (seemed) have no choice but doing it "faithfully". Their excuses ar...

Déjà vu, A Glimpse of Eternity

Déjà vu comes from French word, which literally means "already seen". It is a feeling or a sense that a new situation has already happened in the past... It's a brand new situation for you, but you feel that you've experienced that situation before... You recognize the place, the people, the environment and somehow you know what's going to happen next... But it's probably limitted only 1-2 minutes ahead or perhaps it's just a sense without having the idea what's going to happen next. That's déjà vu, and I bet it's not a new phenomenon for you (or you might have experienced it). As for me, I have experienced Déjà vu many times... And when I tried to figure out when did I experience it before, I have no idea... because simply it is truly a new experience. How do the déjà vu happen? (Scientifically speaking, it's been a serious subject in pyschology and neurophysiological research... and, honestly, I don't really that interest in this déj...


Kita hidup di dunia 3 dimensi. Setiap benda yang dapat kita pegang, pasti punya dimensi panjang, dimensi lebar dan dimensi tinggi. Kalo ada benda yang nggak 3 dimensi, pasti nggak bisa dipegang alias cuman bisa diliat doang, kayak gambar di foto ato film di bioskop. Gambarnya jelas cuman bisa dipandang dan kita gak bisa pegang2 pemain filmnya (walopun pengen, hihi2...). What's this all about? Saya (dulu) suka maen puzzle dari yang 250pcs, 500pcs sampe 1000pcs (tapi sekarang udah nggak pernah maen). Saya membayangkan (mari kita berandai2), seandainya gambar di dalam puzzle itu hidup, mereka bisa bergerak sepanjang sumbu x dan sumbu y, bisa saling berbicara, kira2 apa ya yang mereka bicarakan? Yang pasti, mereka nggak akan tau bahwa diri mereka ada dalam sebuah frame. Ketika mereka saling ketemu dengan temannya, mereka juga nggak akan merasa aneh, karena temannya juga sama2 punya 2 dimensi. Yang menarik, mereka nggak akan pernah bisa liat diri mereka dari sudut pandang dimensi ke-3,...


Term "Anti-marketing" mengacu pada suatu teknik marketing yang nyeleneh, nggak lasim, nggak normal, dan sama sekali nggak punya dasar teori marketing, tapi sukses! Kemarin, waktu makan siang, Mbak Putu cerita ada nasi pecel di Surabaya (Jl. Pandegiling). Kalo denger ceritanya (ato menurut teori marketing), seharusnya pecel ini nggak laris2 banget, selain harganya yang mahal (1 bungkus-nya sama dengan 4 bungkus harga nasi pecel di Malang), rasanya pedas-nya juga di luar batas kewajaran. Tapi nyatanya pecel ini laris setengah mati. Saya jadi inget Depot Mie "XX" di depan Jl. C*. Tempatnya sempit (cuman ada 3 meja dan tiap meja muat 4 orang), harganya juga considered as expensive untuk ukuran Mie Ayam, ditambah lagi yang jual jauh dari kesan ramah... Lama waktu memesan akan berbanding lurus dengan ketidak-ramahan si penjual. Semakin lama waktu untuk memesan, maka tingkat ketidakramahan juga bertambah. Intinya, "cepat pesan, jangan merepotkan, kalo nggak mau pesan,...

Story of Roller Coaster

Do you know roller coaster? Have you ever tried it before? I've tried it before, the short one... Perhaps only 500m length in track... I notice that people loves riding roller coaster. It's probably because of its unpredictable speed and track. Sometime, it goes straight and all of sudden makes a sharp curve with high speed. Sometimes it goes slow and all of sudden the rail twist to turns the rider briefly upside down. Yet, people loves to ride roller coaster. Well, my life is NOT like roller coaster. It's more like riding a-flat-rail-train. No sharp curve, no vertical loops, no upside-down turning, no low-speed and turn to high-speed in one second. Everything's just fine. The journey of my life has always been good (or great?) so far. I have a great family (only my mom left in our family... tell me, what could have been easier staying with one mom only in one house?), I have excellent job and carreer (I do love writing and teaching, and they pay me big bucks for tha...